Monday, 25 February 2013

Gardening Accessories

Gloves and a Kneeling Mat

To show my dedication to gardening, I have purchased some gardening gloves!

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And a kneeling mat as I kept getting wet knees and in this cold weather, it really wasn’t good! I also kept getting dirt under my nails and I don’t really agree with that either!

Dad (my gardening guru) pointed out some weeds to me earlier so I do need to go out to weed the garden, but in this cold weather I’m not feeling terribly inspired.

Hopefully the weather will go quite mild soon, I also have some summer bulbs to plant!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

More Flowers!

Some Growth in the Garden

Further to my previous post, there has been some more growth in the garden!

It had been quite sunny and mild so the shoots began to bloom!

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The irises are quickly becoming my favourite flowers! They are so vibrant!

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And it looks as though we have two distinct colours of Iris coming through! I love these cheetah coloured Irises.

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The buds on these flowers are beginning to open!

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And more snow drops are coming through!

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And this little flower! I have no idea what it was but when my Dad saw it come through he was really pleased.

So those are the developments so far!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

No Life in the Garden?

The Beginnings of a Colour Explosion!

At first glance, the Wong garden looks fairly lifeless.

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But if you look closely, you can see the beginnings of a colour explosion! I’ve taken some pictures of the little flowers but I don’t know what all of them are called. If you do, please feel free to leave a comment to let me know!

Imagine my smile when I opened the blinds in the kitchen to see these beautiful Irises smiling up at me.


Irises are some of my favourite flowers, and look absolutely beautiful! However, they are the only flowers so far!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Doing Some Planting

Bulbs Bulbs Everywhere!

So, we have had quite a few healthy shoots coming up in the garden lately!


I don’t actually know what these flowers are but they are sprouting and look really good!

There are some more shoots appearing around the garden too!


Things are really starting to grow!


It’s quite exciting and I’m really looking forward to seeing how these tulips and daffodils are going to look in our garden!

So, I decided to do some planting today!